- Happy birthday to one of @thetwodads! May you continue to set and break your own personal record for most times wearning shorts in 1 summer. #
- You can be a Dr. of Religion, but there's no Pope of Science. #YourMindIsBlown #
- That is one high f***ing stakes game of checkers, man. http://twitpic.com/1zyngs #
- Insert Jay-Z joke here RT @WLBZ2: Warden service says more bears means more bear problems http://bit.ly/aYPIxu #
- Any #iphone3 users out there who upgraded to #ios4 notice photos are being rotating incorrectly when sent via email? Seen it on 2 so far #
- Love the new 'Places' feature for photos in iOS4! http://twitpic.com/1zhung #
- Sounds awesome! RT @jimmyfallon: Heidi Klum, Droid X, iPhone 4, "Weird Al" Green and "At The Bar" w/Roger Federer tonight on Late Night. #
- Same here RT @HeidiDove: Pandora and other apps crashing tonight after update. At least the new icons look cool. #
- Just got a 20 point hand in Cribbage. I also tweet about (and do) other old man activities. #
- Just got iOS4. I made a bunch of folders. #
- Hola, fellow Mainers: Anybody know a good brewpub in Waterville? Boss has a business meeting and wants good beer. Thanks in advance! #
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