
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. Not sure where to start? The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.

Season 22

Twenty-one years ago today, I posted for the first time on this blog. A lot has happened: My wife and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary last year; we have two nearly adult children; I’ve moved twice; changed jobs a few times; traveled quite a bit, and seen much joy…

My 2024 Mantra: Holding Myself Accountable First

Each year, I choose a personal mantra to help guide and influence my thoughts, words, and actions for the year. For 2024, my mantra is “Holding myself accountable first”. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Before reacting in anger, blame, resentment, or when dealing with a challenge or a goal, I…

My Notion wishlist, March 2023

I love and use Notion throughout my day to manage my personal tasks and goals, keep a journal, and much more. As a daily user and big fan, I’ve been building a wishlist of improvements I’d love to see Notion implement in 2023. Since I built my own personal Notion…

Movement Creates Motivation

Each year since 2021, I’ve chosen a mantra to help focus my mind for the year. In 2022, it was “I have no enemies”, inspired by a dharma talk by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. This mantra was largely inspired by the atmosphere of vitriol and tribalism in communities, the…

Top 10 Favorite Detroiters Characters

Detroiters aired two seasons on Comedy Central in 2017-2018. Fans of Tim Robinson’s I Think You Should Leave or Sam Richardson (Ted Lasso, VEEP, Champagne, Ill) will most likely love this cult classic. As a huge Tim and Sam fan, Detroiters is one of my favorite endlessly rewatchable shows. As…

In a Cup of Tea

A poem about looking more deeply at a cup of tea

The Time Has Come for Netflix Live

Everything goes in cycles. The seasons, cultural trends, and basically every aspect of the internet rises and falls, with all that is old becoming new again (AskJeeves should be rebooted any day now). With that maxim in mind, I think it’s a perfect time for Netflix to keep ahead of…

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