
  • Don’t just create memories — look back on them, together

    Scrolling through Instagram the other day, I noticed a friend’s photo of a photo of a jar filled with slips of paper. She and her family had spent the month of November writing down things to be thankful for, and then took turns pulling out slips of paper and talking about them together on Thanksgiving. Since I…

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  • 10 key steps to the perfect jack-o-lantern

    One year ago today, I published what has become one of the most popular posts on this blog: Pumpkin carving tips In which I ran through the 10 key steps to carving the perfect pumpkin for the season, including brilliant advice such as “Scoop right”. Take a peek before carving your own masterpiece this weekend.

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  • Pumpkin carving tips

    If you’re doing some pumpkin carving this weekend, here are my tips for a fun and successful experience: 1.) Choose a big pumpkin. Bigger ones are nicer looking, give you more room to carve your pattern, and generally are more sturdy. You’ll also want to look for a nice carving area- so only choose as…

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