
Movies 2018

In 2018, I watched 49 movies, two more than in 2017, and slightly less than the average of 51 movies per year that I’ve averaged over the past 10 years. Yes, I track my movie-watching (and my book-reading, calories, sleep, travel, and other things), I enjoy doing it, and I refer back to it often.

STLD Friday

Collage of scenes from the film Save the Last Dance

It’s Save The Last Dance Friday up here.

My favorite movies of 2009

I’m a bit late to the game, but just having refreshed my blog layout, I’m posting this now rather than never. I’ve also been updating my movie records, so here’s my recap of 2009. The formula: I watched just 8 movies in theaters in 2009, down from 18 the year before (a 55% dip). In

2008 movies of the year

During the course of the year, I watched 18 movies released in 2008. Here’s my list, ranked least to most favorite. Here’s my 2006 recap; I did not make a list in 2007. I came up with this list in a hindsight view looking back on the year. To see how this list compares to

Quick thought on IMDB

Something just hit me…IMDB is the best and biggest movie & TV info website on earth. So whhhhhyyyy aren’t they leveraging their incredible content, community, and traffic by integrating at least *some* amount of social networking features? Seems like a huge lost opportunity here.

Movies we’ve seen recently

Some movies we’ve seen recently, with links, ratings, and brief comments. The Illusionist – 4 out of 5 stars – An excellent, thoroughly riveting (if predictable) movie about a misunderstood magician that proved to be genuinely satisfying in its conclusion without being trite or needlessly confounding. And of course, Ed Norton and Paul Giamatti were

2006 Movies of the Year

I watched 17 19 20 21 movies that were released in 2006. Here’s the list of films I saw, ranked in order from least to most favorite: UPDATE: I’ve seen 2 4 more films released in 2006 since I first wrote this post. I’ve integrated them into the list. I DIDN’T LIKE THESE: 21. You