Newsvine Column
Writer links to his own Newsvine column
My third Newsvine column has arrived. With the Superbowl coming up this Sunday, I decided to unleash my crazy idea to re-invent the NFL schedule. Newsvine, a collaborative, community-driven news site, has not launched to the general public yet, so if you’d like to read my article you’ll need to be a member. I have…
My second Newsvine column is up. This time I’m talking about the redesign of and why it may spell trouble for the all-powerful sports empire.
My first column for Newsvine is up. It covers the rumored return of Futarama to TV and asks: why not bring back favorite cancelled shows to DVD or the internet instead? Since Newsvine is still in beta, you’ll need an invite to view the site. I have a few left, so if you’d like one,…