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MSNBC ignores two-plus years worth of outraegous liberal bias by The New York times, but the second the Grey Lady admits wrongdoing in a positive story on Iraq, America’s lowest-rated cable channel is all over it.

Saint Hillary draws her plans for the throne

Nevermind the instantly boring campaign 2004, a race that ended in mid-April around the same time as Saddam Hussein’s rule. (Sorry, Deano, you won’t even get a chance to be the next Nader!) With campaign 2004’s long, weaving season out of the way, thanks to the military we embedded with those reporters in Iraq, it’s

A flash constituency

Glenn Reynolds has a great new article up on TechCentralStation about the power of horiztonal knowledge and how it has changed the world in the past 10 years- With email, weblogs, bulletin boards, etc., I could, if the topic interested enough people, put together an overnight coalition – a flash constituency – without leaving the

Mike Tyson in the fight of his life

Greta Van Susteren’s Mike Tyson piece just aired on the Fox network’s horrible newsmagazine, The Pulse. Besides her fake, stupid “I’m trying to be serious” look, the piece was not a total trash job like I expected it to be. Tyson was convicted of raping Desree Washington in 1992, and the piece spent much time