
This changelog describes the history of updates to the site, highlighting how the site has evolved over time.

July 3, 2024

  • Added integration with Obsidian writing app via miniOrange API Authentication plugin
  • Added integration with Fediverse
  • Updated overall site with and styles; added red color
  • Updated layout of:
    • Notebook page: Converted categories into horizontal list; updated design of posts; tweaked styles
    • Archives: Completely restyled pages to match site
    • Single post view: Tweaked display of featured image
  • Installed and configured Admin Menu Editor
  • Removed default “Blog Posts” page in favor of custom page
  • Made tweaks to improve PageSpeed scores

July 1, 2024

  • Re-organized and condensed categories, moving many of them over to tags
  • Adjusted the layout of the single blog post template:
    • Changed layout of post intro area
    • Added author bio
    • Changed width of single post template to be slightly wider (from 768 to 980 pixels by default)
    • Updated layout of ‘About’ page
      • Moved USS Constitution section to bottom of page instead of side-by-side with ‘Disclosures’ section
    • Fixed issue where logo was not showing on small screen size breakpoints
    • Updated main navigation style:
      • Added highlight color box around nav items
    • Updated global footer:
      • Changed footer copyright notice to reference my name, not ‘’
      • Added links to ‘Roadmap’ and ‘Changelog’ pages
    • Updated backend content structure:
      • Moved some top-level pages to under ‘About’ for organizational purposes


  • Replaced custom-built theme (sad) with Astra Pro commercial theme with heavy customizations.


  • Damn, I didn’t update this for 10 years! (I added the updates above in 2024).

March 9th, 2014

  • Updated color scheme to “winter”
  • Removed outdated login screen and admin customizations
  • Added back in jQuery support from within WP core
  • Updated to WordPress 3.8.1 and cleaned up themes and plugins
  • Fixed missing GitHub icon on “About” page sidebar
  • Pushed latest version of theme with various fixes and updates
  • Added OSX Notifications thanks to the awesome PushUp plugin!

December 2nd, 2013

  • Launched new “Zoom Shots” feature and custom post type.

October 16th, 2013

  • Updated the site color theme from purple to brown/orange;
  • Refactored the stylesheet to abstract colors to enable easier color scheme updates;
  • Revised the “About” page text and the sidebar “Welcome friends” copy.

July 23rd, 2013

  • Updated the “About” page text to reflect a change in employment, including the disclaimer copy & last updated date.

April 23rd, 2013

  • Moved sidebar down even further so it doesn’t get caught under the fading header on reasonable-to-wide monitor resolutions (up to 1700px wide)
  • Added newsletter sign-up to individual posts

February 28, 2013

  • Moved sidebar down slightly so it doesn’t get caught under the fading header on reasonable-to-wide monitor resolutions (up to 1700px wide)

February 19, 2013

  • Added title tags to “Find me online” custom widget
  • Updated alt tags for icons in “Find me online” custom widget
  • Added GitHub and IMDb links to “Find me online” custom widget
  • Updated “About” page copy

January 27, 2013

  • Launched revised “Projects” section
  • Added “Changelog” page
  • Removed “A Hard Word to Pronounce” page

January 25, 2013

  • Update logo font to Proxima Nova
  • Added sidebar items
  • Shortened bio

Version 0.88 – January 1, 2013

  • Launched site in current iteration (Theme name: “Wilds”)