Winer UNleads a BlogNashville session

During the final track of BlogNashville today- in a session titled “A Respectful Disagreement” – Dave Winer combined with cartoonist John Cox and a few others to create what became, at times, quite a contentious, un-respectful discussion.

Near the middle of the frequently awkward hour and forty-five minutes- after a couple of flare ups- Dave gave up and sat down, prompting Glenn Reynolds to leave. As Tom Biro rightly called Winer out for rudeness towards one of the session-goers, I captured Winer giving up as session leader in a bit of shaky video. I left shortly after I filmed this, but Les Jones posted a running commentary on the complete session.

UPDATE: I had to take the video down because it wasn’t loading properly. I’ll try to bring it back sometime.

Winer’s take: Dave Winer posted his thoughts here. I think he’s correct when he writes that “…it was a hostile exchange, lots of the usual mindless crap you get on political TV shows.” But in my view, Dave did as much to contribute to the Crossfire-esque atmosphere as any of the others involved.

More: Tom Biro live-blogged the session as well.

Still more: Dave Winer unleashes a sarcasm-drenched rant. Not all that respectful. When will it end, Dave? When will you get over it?

Still, still more: The Professor and I agree.


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