Newsvine invites available

I have twenty invites to give away to check out Newsvine, the new community-organized news site which just opened up to public beta. If you’d like one, just let me know via email at

I’ve been using the site for a few weeks. I’ll post some thoughts here when I get a chance. My quick reaction is, I like it, though its early, and I’m hoping it continues to improve (and expecting it will).

Update: I should be clear that I’m offering these invites to friends and online associates whom I know and trust. That’s a request made by Newsvine on its “invite friends” page, in place, according to their reasoning, to keep the site’s community spam free. So if you know me, and you’d like to try Newsvine, let me know.


One response to “Newsvine invites available”

  1. Bill Avatar

    I would like to test drive the new newsvine, anyone have an extra invite?

    Thanks in advance

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