Yahoo! Movies does recommend for you, sort of

Today, Dave Winer wrote that he wishes Yahoo! would implement a feature wherein it recommended him movies he might like based on the input he’s provided on the site.

I may be confused, but as an avid Yahoo! Movies user, I was pretty sure the site already did that, so I checked it out. Sure enough, when I’m logged in and viewing the detail page for certain movies (I chose Thank You For Smoking in this case), here’s what Yahoo! tells me:

Yahoo! screenshot

I highlighted the recommendation area (or rather, dulled out the rest of the page). As you can see, based on my 152 recommendations (with a link to view them), Yahoo! is recommending me this flick (which I really want to see, by the way).

One thing that could vastly improve the usefulness of the service is if they displayed notifications next to the title of the movie on the “Now Playing” page. So if visit, enter my zip, and see a resulting list of showtimes, they should put happy faces or checkmarks or something next to those movies it thinks I might like. Perhaps something like that is more along the lines of what Winer was suggesting.


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