Live from the Republican debate in New Hampshire

Back from a long blog vacation, I’m live from the Republican Presidential debate here in Durham, New Hampshire on the campus of the University of New Hampshire.

With me in the media room two hours before the start of the debate is my friend Lance Dutson of Maine Web Report. We’ll be here all night, first in the media room, then later in the spin room with the candidates, their flacks, and the media.

Lance and I will be doing our best to live blog the event here and at his site. We’ll also be posting photos to my Flickr account and possibly doing some video reports throughout the night. Stay tuned, and thanks for sticking around through my long hiatus.

Right now we’re off to get some of the free food and then interview some of the protesters out front. Back in a few…

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  1. Pingback: 10 years of blogging at • Jason Clarke

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