Editor’s Note: My recent post listing the definitive, authoritative list of the Top 5 Cooks from Too Many Cooks spurred my friend Evan Habeeb to submit his own list of the Top 10 Cooks. Without further adieu, Evan’s list of the Top 10 cooks, including commentary:
10. James WhiteI want those reports on my desk by 5pm or you’re off the force! |
9. Tara OchsShe just can’t get anything right — even the cookies!!
8. Will DoveThe well-intentioned pervert.
7. John CrowPerpetually confused but still trying.
6. Truman Orr as Taylor CookThe best helper! |
5. Matthew Kody Foster as “Coat”Under-appreciated, valued cook.
4. Ken DeLozier“You’re so out of touch, dad!”
3. Josh Lowder#7 most wanted criminal, #1 in our hearts.
2. Jennifer GilesAlways on watch, defending us from B.R.o.t.H.
1. SmarfHe died to save us all.
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