Mainers – and our Government – Need to Do More To Uphold Tribal Rights
The long record of tepid, if not downright shameful, support for Maine tribal rights continues. Maine’s tribal nations have less rights than national tribes due to a 1980 settlement that is part of a “history of fraud“, according to a recent government-issued report. In a sign of spring, two new bills offered in both the…
Vote Yes on Orono School Bond
You may have heard that Orono is holding a vote on this coming Tuesday, June 11th to pass a bond in support of some long-overdue upgrades to our crumbling schools. As a proud Orono resident with two children in our schools, I was fortunate to have a role as one of the community representatives in…
Message to the Young Man
A few months ago, my wife noticed this simple, beautiful and a little bit sad classified ad, and I impulsively snapped a photo of it. When I’m looking through photos, it’s still one that I stop to read, especially when I want a smile or reminder of the good, and whimsy, of the people around…
Angus King for US Senate
Maine is lucky to have six five people running for our open US Senate seat. While Olympia Snowe will be extremely difficult to replace in terms of her stature and impact, two people running have the best chance to follow in her principled footsteps. Former Governor Angus King has been the front-runner in the race since…
Bangor Daily News blurs the line between news and advertising
The Bangor Daily News is back at it with more ethically-questionable practices on its website, this time in the form of its new “BDN Marketplace News” section which attempts to disguise advertisements as news headlines. What’s Going On? At the bottom of article pages, the “BDN Marketplace News” appears directly under a larger “Similar Articles”…
- is a revolutionary new website which creates some amazing opportunities for enterprising journalists, bloggers, and citizens to ask questions in public and among friends about our state government and back them up with facts. How and why? The how is simple: Sponsored by the Maine Heritage Policy Center, the website provides a powerful,…
Allen campaign calls race “in play” thanks to internal poll
The Bangor Daily News, my hometown paper, released the results of a poll today for the Maine senate race between Senator Susan Collins and Representative Tom Allen. If you’re not from Maine, you may vaguely know the race started off generating a ton of interest by out-of-state organizations such as, but it has since…
It’s this time of year in Maine. What time of year is it where you live?
Congrats to Lance Dutson- and the Collins campaign
Congratulations to my friend and occasional co-conspirator Lance Dutson, who announced today he’s taking a job as Director of Internet Strategy for Maine Senator Susan Collins’ re-election campaign. As I can attest but many already know, Lance is razor-sharp and as forward on the curve as anybody I’ve met when it comes to seeing, exploring,…
National prizes honor Maine journalists
Congratulations to two Maine journalists for recently winning two significant national honors: Richard Anderson, publisher of Village Soup, has been awarded a Knight Foundation grant for $885,000 to take the platform and technology behind the VillageSoup websites and make them open-source. Alicia Anstead, a Bangor Daily News columnist, has been awarded a Nieman Fellowship to…