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My 2024 Mantra: Holding Myself Accountable First

Each year, I choose a personal mantra to help guide and influence my thoughts, words, and actions for the year. For 2024, my mantra is “Holding myself accountable first”. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Before reacting in anger, blame, resentment, or when dealing with a challenge or a goal, I want to try to pause

Movement Creates Motivation

Each year since 2021, I’ve chosen a mantra to help focus my mind for the year. In 2022, it was “I have no enemies”, inspired by a dharma talk by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. This mantra was largely inspired by the atmosphere of vitriol and tribalism in communities, the media, and the world. It

Vote Yes on Orono School Bond

You may have heard that Orono is holding a vote on this coming Tuesday, June 11th to pass a bond in support of some long-overdue upgrades to our crumbling schools. As a proud Orono resident with two children in our schools, I was fortunate to have a role as one of the community representatives in

Catherine Campbell, 1957-2018

My mother, Cathi Campbell, passed away Monday June 11th 2018. Her obituary will appear in the Bangor Daily News (Maine) and Hartford Courant (Connecticut) on June 13th and 14th 2018, and is also reprinted below. Catherine Marie Dowd Campbell went to be with the Lord on Monday June 11, 2018, held by her son Jason

Befriending Time

My grandfather and I in 1984

I stood up from my seat in the pew, ready to carry a heavy weight. Could I take a punch? I guess this was as good a time as any to find out. Only it would have to be a wet one, like a kiss, because it was starting to rain. *** When someone dies, you

My Top 20 Favorite Tweets of 2014

Photo by Jon Bellah (@jonbellah)

20. As a habitual, obsessive tabs closer, and a big Glengarry Glen Ross fan, this speaks to me. ABC Always Be Closing Tabs — Chris Ziegler (@zpower) April 4, 2014 19. Web agencies *need* to shift to adopt this perspective in order to survive and thrive. "Launching" is the half-way mark. — Beau (@beaulebens) August 22,