Radical Caring for Online News: A Call to Confront Two Disappointing Decades of Stagnation
I’ve worked in the web since the summer of 2000, when I was paid $400 to build a site for a local farm (RIP, Microsoft FrontPage). Fast forward two decades to 2020, and I’m still waiting for online news to break free of stagnation and innovate to improve its delivery and experience for the good…
Bangor Daily News blurs the line between news and advertising
The Bangor Daily News is back at it with more ethically-questionable practices on its website, this time in the form of its new “BDN Marketplace News” section which attempts to disguise advertisements as news headlines. What’s Going On? At the bottom of article pages, the “BDN Marketplace News” appears directly under a larger “Similar Articles”…
Why the Bangor Daily News “ad frame” is bad for you, and what to do about it
Links should be free- and users are worth more than a few cents each. Why “ad frames” are bad business for news. My local newspaper, the Bangor Daily News, has made some admirable improvements to its otherwise lackluster website over the past few months. To their credit, they’ve slowly integrated topic and people-based cross-links throughout their…
Exclusive: Bangor daily paper preps its entry into citizen’s journalism landscape
Following several recent efforts to create a more interactive website, the Bangor Daily News is on the verge of launching a new user-generated content section, has learned. “We are launching a brand new community publishing platform”, Online Services Manager Tim Archambault said in an email interview. He gives the timetable for the launch as…