Clip File
My “Clip File” is a collection of the Notebook posts that I think of as my best work.
Befriending Time
I stood up from my seat in the pew, ready to carry a heavy weight. Could I take a punch? I guess this was as good a time as any to find out. Only it would have to be a wet one, like a kiss, because it was starting to rain. *** When someone dies, you…
Apple’s software problems are worse than flat vs. glossy
Leading up to the expected release of iOS7, there’s been much speculation online about whether or not Apple will adopt a more “flat” design aesthetic for its aging mobile operating system. The company’s skeumorphic, or natural, designs have come under fire from fans and foes alike, who charge it’s overkill now that users are aware…
10 years of blogging at
Today marks 10 years since the first blog post on this site. I’ve owned the domain name for about 2 years prior to that – lists October 2001 as the first recorded date– but used it mostly as a testing ground until 2003. When I started this site, it was built on my own…
Trying out a public revision process
With the launch of this latest version of my site (roughly my fifth iteration since 2006), I’m experimenting with two new features I’d love to see on other blogs: a changelog and a roadmap. Yes, it might seem strange to have these two software and/or enterprise-oriented features on a tiny personal site, but why not?…
Why the gdgt+AOL union is a rallying cry for the WordPress community
In my latest article on WP Daily, I talk about why the recent acquisition of tech site gdgt by AOL’s tech publishing arm might be bad news for WordPress in the enterprise: I’m suggesting that old, tired, and unfair “WordPress is for traditionally-formatted blogs” trope may still be a factor when online media properties choose their technology…
Local banks should hire a “startup advocate”
A recent crowdsource-driven funding contest promoted by a local bank in my area got me thinking about how banks in particular can find themselves on the sidelines of the entrepreneurship/startup movement as the costs to starting a business drop and as new and creative fundraising options become available. One way that banks can become more active participants…
Yes on Question One
Next week, Mainers heading to the polls to vote for president, senator, representative, and local leaders also have the chance to legalize same-sex marriage in a ballot measure commonly known as “Question One”. A similar measure passed in 2009, but was overturned by Maine’s People’s Veto process just seven months later. Three years later, with…
Mike Daisey and this American denial
Two things are really bothering me about today’s news that monolougist Mike Daisey fabricated portions of his hit performance piece “The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs.” Let me get something out of the way out front: I’ve known Mike since about 1996. He was an advisor/supporter of my high school’s speech & debate…
Why the Bangor Daily News “ad frame” is bad for you, and what to do about it
Links should be free- and users are worth more than a few cents each. Why “ad frames” are bad business for news. My local newspaper, the Bangor Daily News, has made some admirable improvements to its otherwise lackluster website over the past few months. To their credit, they’ve slowly integrated topic and people-based cross-links throughout their…