social software
Kottke agrees…Technorati sucks
Last week, I reached the breaking point with Technorati and abandoned the service I called my “Web service of the year” for 2004. This week, Jason Kottke reaches the breaking point and says So Long, Technorati himself.
Technorati sucks
Sorry, but Technorati SUCKS. I used them many times per hour for several months last summer- probably about 20 times a day, six days a week- and the service was invaluable to me. It was my #1 web service of the year for 2004. But for the past several months, Technorati’s response time has been…
Just one of the personal uses of
I’m adding a new personal tag to my habit/space: “toread”. It’s, obviously, stuff I want to read later on. So then I’ll use the automagically generated feed of that tag to dump back into my RSS reader (making sure to set the feed *not* to expire after I open it) so that I…
Ta-da…backpack is here
I love Ta-da…and I’m going to start using my Backpack soon, I promise.
A better Flickr badge and a late scoop
Last week, I was messing around with this site and stumbled onto what might’ve been a scoop had I actually posted it in time. Here’s what I wrote then but never published: Tired of that pretty limited “put Flickr photos on your site” widget that Flickr calls a badge? Well by accident last week, I…
Yahoo buys Flickr
Flickr’s announcement here.
Is Yahoo becoming a social services giant?
As usual, there’s tons of great stuff over at Micropersuasion (is that the laziest post intro ever?), including this long, descriptive post about Yahoo’s new 360 mega-social networking service. Apparently, 360 will combo blogs, profiles, photos, and more into one uber-service, which goes public March 29th. Related item: as part of yesterday’s Remaindered Links feed,…