Yearly Mantras
My Mantra for 2025: Try the simple solution first
Each calendar year, I choose a personal mantra to keep to-of-mind and influence my thinking and decision making (past years’ mantras are here). In 2025, my mantra is Try the simple solution first. This one really gets to me. To my habit of looking for the most mysterious and complex explanations for everything everywhere all…
My 2024 Mantra: Holding Myself Accountable First
Each year, I choose a personal mantra to help guide and influence my thoughts, words, and actions for the year. For 2024, my mantra is “Holding myself accountable first”. This one is pretty self-explanatory. Before reacting in anger, blame, resentment, or when dealing with a challenge or a goal, I want to try to pause…
Movement Creates Motivation
Each year since 2021, I’ve chosen a mantra to help focus my mind for the year. In 2022, it was “I have no enemies”, inspired by a dharma talk by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. This mantra was largely inspired by the atmosphere of vitriol and tribalism in communities, the media, and the world. It…