MBA announces support for Lance Dutson
As I reported earlier, the Media Bloggers Association has stepped up to assisnt in the defense of Maine blogger Lance Dutson against the multi-million dollar federal lawsuit he has been served with by Warren Kremer Paino, the ad agency of record for the State of Maine Office of Tourism. The MBA (disclosure: I am a…
Maine blogger sued by Maine Office of Tourism subcontractor
Lance Dutson, the blogger whose ‘Pay-per-gate‘ investigation has uncovered several instances of incompetence by the Maine Office of Tourism and its subcontractors, today announced he has been sued for over a million dollars by Warren Kremer Paino, the Office of Tourism’s advertising agency of record. This is a devious, frivolous lawsuit, designed to intimidate Dutson…
‘Pay-per-Gate’ picking up steam
The ‘Pay-per-Gate‘ saga, which I’ve written about twice before, has now crossed over into the local media here in Maine. Today, both the Knox County VillageSoup Times and the Portland Press Herald ran variations on the story.
Maine blogger threatened with lawsuit for ‘Pay-per-Gate’ story
Every blogger out there should understand that when one of us is threatened with a lawsuit, we’re all threatened. That’s not a cutesy cliche- it’s a serious point to keep in mind whenever we begin to forget that there are many members of the old guard- institutions such as government agencies and media outlets- with…
Maine wastes taxpayer money on inept web campaigns
Let’s see if that title earns some much-warranted attention to this story. See, something stinks here in my home state of Maine, and at least this time around it’s not the State’s abysmal DirigoChoice health are program. Instead, I’m talking about some highly irregular, irresponsible, and completely unprofessional behavior on display by our state’s Office…
Andy Baio sticks up for freedom of expression online
If you care about freedom of speech and the future of the Internet as a distribution platform for original content, you should care about Andy Baio’s willingness to stand up to the powers that be. Baio, a popular blogger at waxy.org, has been hosting the files of a popular homegrown series, House of Cosbys, since…
Blast from the past: In July 2004, FrontPage magazine’s Jamie Glazov interviewed me and David Hardy about the implications of Michael Moore’s worldview.
Hitch on Ramsey Clark
In an LA Times editorial, Christopher Hitchens makes the case against Ramsey Clark, one of Saddam Hussein’s lawyers.
Step one: read this article by Ben Stein defending George Bush. Step two: If you are a blogger and you truly, seriously, honestly, blame George Bush for the hurricane, please call me and explain why. Check to make sure you’re sane first, because like most humans on earth I’m often quite busy. Because, see, I’m…