So now you know

For a long time I’ve been drastically private on this site about writing-related matters. While the debate about private vs. public on a blog carries on, I’m in a bit of a writer’s block/rut so I’m taking the easy way and out being slightly transparent in an effort to jab myself with some possible new perspective.

The rut comes in part from waiting, which unless you’re good, can breed self-doubt. I have a short story out to an agent right now, and I’m waiting to hear back from her about whether or not it’s total crap.

If it’s rejected, I’m either going to submit it to Amazon’s Shorts program, or I might just post it here on this site and offer both a free web version, as well as a high-quality download for $1 or something like that. And maybe even a $1 audio book (is storycast – that would be “story” + “podcast” – too annoying of a term?) version, too.

If anybody has any comments, suggestions, feedback about the idea, please by all means share them in the comments.

Also: I’m currently 10-5 in my football pool this week, now waiting on the Monday Night game to start. I picked the Bears again (they won) because I heard Mike Golic saying their defense was underrated a few weeks ago on ESPN’s radio show Mike and Mike in the Morning. That’s part of why I sometimes take a bit of a longer way to work…The football pool.

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