The ‘Code’ movie is not for ‘DaVinci’ book lovers

Despite (or perhaps, due to) my high hopes, I thought The DaVinci Code movie was a long, boring, overwraught, and entirely lame screen incarnation of the book.

I love Audrey TatouAmeilie is on my Top 10 All-Time list- and I really like Tom Hanks, Paul Bettany, Jean Reno, and Alfred Molina; but despite that stable of fine actors, not a single of their performances was where I hoped they would be. Perhaps that was due to the clunky, unsure script, which managed to drain the action from the book, dillute its theories, muddy its characters’ intentions, beliefs, and personality traits, and strip away some of the best scenes and turning points.

The most exciting thing about the entire trip was, alas, the previews. I’m happy to report that at least in preview land, all things are well. Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (with Will Ferrell) looks hilarious, and Casino Royale (the new Bond flick) looks quite interesting.

The DaVinci Code: C


One response to “The ‘Code’ movie is not for ‘DaVinci’ book lovers”

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