My Top 20 Favorite Tweets of 2014

20. As a habitual, obsessive tabs closer, and a big Glengarry Glen Ross fan, this speaks to me.

19. Web agencies *need* to shift to adopt this perspective in order to survive and thrive.

18. It’s often lost on me. I’m grateful for thoughts like this to remind me.

17. I’ve been using FTP for 12 years and this still rings 10000% true.

16. I often wonder if the flatbed tow truck actually made it back to the garage without breaking down.

16. Twitter Best Of List Recursion.

15. If you’re not familiar, check out Comedy Bang! Bang! and of course Paul F. Tompkins.

14. I do the same.

13. Still want to make this actually come true in real life.

12. When my son meant to text me on his mom’s phone and Tweeted by accident:


10. Sorry, but this is true.

9. Yes. Yes there is.

8. Really sad. Really true.

7. That’s my daughter!

6. I want to be in this kid’s crew.

5. Yep.

4. Still makes me LOL for real.

3. Anyone who’s ever set foot in a clothing store at any point in human history knows this to be insanely true.

2. That’s a book’s worth of awesome in one tweet.

1. This is easily one of my all-time favorite tweets. Other people seem to agree: it has over 10,000 RTs as of today.


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