20. As a habitual, obsessive tabs closer, and a big Glengarry Glen Ross fan, this speaks to me.
ABC Always Be Closing
— Chris Ziegler (@zpower) April 4, 2014
19. Web agencies *need* to shift to adopt this perspective in order to survive and thrive.
"Launching" is the half-way mark.
— Beau (@beaulebens) August 22, 2014
18. It’s often lost on me. I’m grateful for thoughts like this to remind me.
it’s never lost on me how lucky I am to have a reason to belly laugh every single day. and I’m thankful for it, because it’s the best.
— Megan Gray (@HouseofGrays) December 31, 2014
17. I’ve been using FTP for 12 years and this still rings 10000% true.
16. I often wonder if the flatbed tow truck actually made it back to the garage without breaking down.
AAA recursion. pic.twitter.com/kH0kLd8mgx
— Luke (@lukethomas14) December 19, 2014
16. Twitter Best Of List Recursion.
15. If you’re not familiar, check out Comedy Bang! Bang! and of course Paul F. Tompkins.
There aren't many things that bring me as much joy as hearing the off-mic laughter of @PFTompkins on @ComedyBangBang
— Dustin (@DustinThenJames) May 5, 2014
14. I do the same.
I peruse twitter whenever I think people have run out of creative ways to be offended.
— Megan Gray (@HouseofGrays) June 6, 2014
13. Still want to make this actually come true in real life.
12. When my son meant to text me on his mom’s phone and Tweeted by accident:
Hi goin 2 haniferd B rite bak ok
— Heidi Clarke (@HeidiDove) January 31, 2014
10. Sorry, but this is true.
9. Yes. Yes there is.
Something Tarantino about this pic.twitter.com/YYtQkB2roc
— Mary Cadwell (@marycadwell) November 16, 2014
8. Really sad. Really true.
On a long enough timeline, all of our careers will end over a single tweet.
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) November 20, 2014
7. That’s my daughter!
"Mom, I just wrote 70 lines of code!" My seven-year-old daughter just called from the other room. Thanks #hourofcode!
— Heidi Clarke (@HeidiDove) December 17, 2014
6. I want to be in this kid’s crew.
5. Yep.
4. Still makes me LOL for real.
3. Anyone who’s ever set foot in a clothing store at any point in human history knows this to be insanely true.
2. That’s a book’s worth of awesome in one tweet.
1. This is easily one of my all-time favorite tweets. Other people seem to agree: it has over 10,000 RTs as of today.
Ever realised how fucking surreal reading a book actually is? You stare at marked slices of tree for hours on end, hallucinating vividly
— Katie (@KatieOldham) December 9, 2014
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