
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Recently on

    It's been a long road, but I finally got approval to open my sports-themed breakfast restaurant. The name is BATTER UP! # I love how the oil spill is completely off the front page of the news…(Borat voice)…NOT. #TheMediaisPerfect #DontCriticizetheMedia # Are we doing #ff anymore? If so, #ff @KeshaSuxx @KeshaSuxx @KeshaSuxx @KeshaSuxx @KeshaSuxx @KeshaSuxx…

  • links for 2010-07-01

    Camera+ …the ultimate photo app (tags: personal tech shared)

  • links for 2010-06-29

    Dial A Human! (tags: shared personal)

  • Recently on

    Happy birthday to one of @thetwodads! May you continue to set and break your own personal record for most times wearning shorts in 1 summer. # You can be a Dr. of Religion, but there's no Pope of Science. #YourMindIsBlown # That is one high f***ing stakes game of checkers, man. # Insert Jay-Z…

  • links for 2010-06-24

    A long time ago, in a restaurant far far away… on Twitpic Thoughts on cooking. (tags: shared personal) Get Cash For Your Used iPhone 3G 8GB – (tags: personal tech) Canon PowerShot SD960IS 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 4x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.8-inch LCD (Silver): Camera & Photo (tags:…

  • Recently on

    Disaster on Breadsticks Hill: The Grill Attempt: The Greasefire of Failure: Stories of Courage and Messiness # Have two small nephews visiting for a few days. Will resume tweeting (and showering) when pure craziness subsides. # Archer!! RT @poley: I like it too. RT @HeidiDove: Archer: New fave show of the moment on Netflix…

  • Hand-made onion rings

    Hand-made onion rings, originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • links for 2010-06-18

    Must Watch: Wonderful Trailer for Sofia Coppola's Somewhere « (tags: towatch media) Hampden Country Club, Hampden, Maine (tags: personal)

  • links for 2010-06-16

    DeepCwind Consortium (tags: rainstormconsulting)

  • An idealist is a person who helps other people to be prosperous. – Henry Ford