My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
links for 2010-05-31
Nuke That Oil Well (tags: shared)
Recently on
#ff @DougBenson @chelseavperettii @Heididove – 3 people who make me laugh! # Where is the line between graham cracker and cookie? One of life's deep questions. # Watched a funny & classic @DougBenson 'Comedy Central Presents' on Netflix Watch Instant tonight. He loved movies back then! (circa 2001?) # The sign at our local Governor's…
links for 2010-05-30
About « iPhone App Development: The Missing Manual (tags: shared tech)
Piano recital
Piano recital, originally uploaded by jgclarke.
Garlic in the garden
Garlic in the garden, originally uploaded by jgclarke. It’s been a great year for it so far- here’s hoping it stays that way!
links for 2010-05-29
Netflix and the Future of the Entertainment Business (tags: shared)
links for 2010-05-28
A Flexible Grid Re-size this page…it's a forward-thinking vision of flexible website widths. (tags: web shared)
Tall pines
Tall pines, originally uploaded by jgclarke.
The twist!
The twist!, originally uploaded by jgclarke.
Seat mate
Seat mate, originally uploaded by jgclarke.