
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • It was a blustery day

    It was a blustery day, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Bright enough at 8pm for this photo, which is meant to show the wind flying through the trees in the backyard.

  • links for 2010-05-03

    The Recent Health Care Bill – Freakonomics Blog – Freakonmics co-author Levitt on how the recent health care legislation passed does little to address the weaknesses of the current U.S. healthcare ecosystem. (tags: shared thoughts politics) Giraffe Forum » Web customers care about tasks, not goals Somewhat provocative but obvious thoughts on going beyond…

  • Recently on

    Party Down season 2 is off to a great start. Props to the cast and crew for getting better while keeping the vibe intact. # Haven't watched a movie since last Tuesday. Flipping back and forth between 'The Proposal' and 'The Blues Brothers' last nite doesn't count. # Jason's law of unplanned showers: They…

  • Conan is the classiest person in showbiz

    Conan is the classiest person in showbiz, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Conan O’Brien in his first interview since leaving The Tonight Show in January.

  • links for 2010-05-02

    Why You Should NEVER Listen to Your Customers « blog maverick Mark Cuban with some typically provocative thoughts on the age-old debate: Is customer feedback your lifeblood, or your downfall? (tags: shared thoughts) Overcoming Bias : Being Right Too Soon Thoughts on the costs of "being right first" in a world that doesn't value early…

  • First grill of the season

    First grill of the season, originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • Fleetwood Mix

    Fleetwood Mix, originally uploaded by jgclarke. The soundboard for Fleetwood Mix, a well-tuned and rocking Fleetwood Mac cover band.

  • links for 2010-04-30

    The Way I Work: Jason Fried of 37Signals Interesting look into the daily work life of 37Signals founder Jason Fried. (tags: shared thoughts) YOURLS — Your Own URL Shortener — Open Source Self Hosted URL Shortener (tags: web) Seth's Blog: The coming melt-down in higher education (as seen by a marketer) More insight into the…

  • Recently on

    Just saw the first MacGruber trailer in the wild, followed by an ad for Subway breakfast foods. Both were disturbing, one in a good way. # What!? Big Head Todd and the Monsters coming to Portland! That is REAL. # Finally got to see ‘Crazy Heart’. As well-made as a movie can be, if…

  • The Indian Kitchen

    The Indian Kitchen, originally uploaded by jgclarke. A Thursday night ritual, paired with Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin.