My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Collins launches campaign website
Eager to capitalize on recent negative press surrounding her opponent Tom Allen’s association with far-left activist group, Senator Susan Collins’ re-election team launched an early version of the campaign’s official website this week. features videos, photo galleries, and blog. On Collins’ site, the freshly launched blog features a post written by the Senator…
Debate video report: Congressman Ron Paul
Next up in the series of Republican Presidential debate video reports Lance Dutson and I filed is an interview with Ron Paul, who is so far capturing much attention online and at events such as Wednesday’s debate, yet has not translated that enthusiasm into poll numbers. Lance talked to Congressman Paul about that, among other…
An interview with Carl Cameron
At Wednesday night’s Republican Presidential debate, Lance Dutson and I had a chance to file some video reports from the scene, which we’ll be posting over the next few days. First up, an interview with FoxNews chief political correspondent Carl Cameron:
Next up: The spin room
While the debate wraps up, we’re getting ready to head over to the spin room to shoot some photos and video. If you have questions you’d like us to ask the candidates and/or their flacks in the spin room, text message your question to me at 207-299-8508. My pick for Winners of the debate: John…
New topic: Taxes
* “Not a record we should be proud of” is McCain’s comment on the massive bloat of government under Republican leadership over the past few years. * Brownback chimes in with a snoozer answer on how taxes are too high. * Asked about his decision to not sign a pledge that he won’t raise taxes…
Back from the first break…
…and the next issue is security. Talk about a hedge: Romney says the surge is “apparently” working. UPDATE: Wow…McCain takes a direct shot at Romney, repeating “the surge is working”, and “it’s not whether it’s apparently working or not…it’s whether we will set a date for withdrawl, which means surrender.” More: “I want our troops…
Another question from the audience
More from Young’s Restaurant: A woman from Durham states that there should not be an amendment banning gay marriage. Brownback disagrees, eliciting more cheers but some boos from the debate hall. And now we’re off to the first commercial break.
Questions and answers 25 minutes in
Romney: 2 answers Giuliani: 2 answers McCain: 2 answers Brownback: 2 answers Hunter: 2 answers Tancredo, Huckabee, Paul: 1 answer The public: 2 questions out of about 7
Cameron is on site at local restaraunt
FoxNews’ Carl Cameron is live at a local restaurant here in Durham. The first question- we’re still on the topic of amnesty 20 minutes in- is from a man who is complaining that a fence is not enough to keep illegal immigrants out. Giuliani answers by stating that we need a “tamper-proof” ID card for…
Huckabee: Outsource immigration to UPS
That’s a free market solution!