
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Scoble leaving Microsoft

    Good luck to one of my favorite bloggers, Robert Scoble, who is leaving Microsoft for (whatever that is).

  • Zarqawi is dead

    Zarqawi is dead, and Christopher Hitchens nails it, as usual: If we had withdrawn from Iraq already…then one of the most revolting criminals of all time would have been able to claim that he forced us to do it. That would have catapulted Iraq into Stone Age collapse and instated a psychopathic killer as the…

  • Your mission, should you choose to accept it

    Make. very. important. moments.

  • Moore is sued for dishonest footage, again

    , is retired, and I don’t intend for this space to inherit its subject matter. That said, in checking Instapundit today, I noticed my old mark, Michael Moore, is in trouble again: A double-amputee Iraq-war vet is suing Michael Moore for $85 million, claiming the portly peacenik recycled an old interview and used it out…

  • Good luck getting Words in Edgewise

    I hope to be the first to link to my friend Bob Cox’s new blog,, with good wishes. After four years, he’s abandoning The National Debate (along with the logo I designed for him- sad) and picking up with a new blog about his work with the Media Bloggers Association (Disclosure: I’m on the…

  • Yahoo!’s Calendar should be RSS-ified

    Yahoo! gives me a URL to display my public calendar: But they don’t give me an RSS feed to do what I want with the data, and they don’t even give me any kind of widget for displaying on a blog or other site. What’s up with that?!

  • Maine’s blogging community has no room for anonymous comments


    It may not be well known to the rest of the country, but here in Maine, we have a reputation for sticking together and helping our fellow citizens out. It troubles me, then, to see a fellow resident- and web developer- apparently harassing another Maine web developer. I’m talking here about Rob Landry, owner of…

  • Mainers- support a more interesting governor’s race

    Hola Mainers, Barbara Merrill is an independent considering a run for the Blaine House. Because her hopes rest on a Clean Elections candidacy, she needs your help to gather the required contributions to qualify for Clean Elections Status. Please- even if you’re supporting another candidate- take a few minutes, and $5 of your hard-earned dollars,…

  • New header image

    I finally updated the header image on this blog (RSS readers, click on over!) after nearly six months. The previous one appeared on New Year’s Day and was new year’s fireworks; this one is much more random. It’s the view from a chairlift at Pat’s Peak in Henniker, New Hampshire, from September 2005.

  • Small steps for identity

    I recently updated my About page with a list of links to each of my online identities at places like Flickr,, LinkedIn, and others. It’s a first-crack effort at being transparent about my online identity at various locations. As I wrote this past January, identity online is an emerging issue, though it hasn’t quite…