
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Yahoo! Mail’s CAPTCHA: Helpful or annoying?

    I recently switched over to Yahoo! Mail. I’m enjoying the service, but since Sunday, I’ve noticed they’ve implemented an occasional feature I’m not too happy about so far. About half the time, after I’ve clicked the Send button on an email message, I’m taken to a CAPTCHA page that I have to pass before Yahoo!…

  • MBA announces support for Lance Dutson


    As I reported earlier, the Media Bloggers Association has stepped up to assisnt in the defense of Maine blogger Lance Dutson against the multi-million dollar federal lawsuit he has been served with by Warren Kremer Paino, the ad agency of record for the State of Maine Office of Tourism. The MBA (disclosure: I am a…

  • Maine blogger sued by Maine Office of Tourism subcontractor


    Lance Dutson, the blogger whose ‘Pay-per-gate‘ investigation has uncovered several instances of incompetence by the Maine Office of Tourism and its subcontractors, today announced he has been sued for over a million dollars by Warren Kremer Paino, the Office of Tourism’s advertising agency of record. This is a devious, frivolous lawsuit, designed to intimidate Dutson…

  • The future of online video is ‘Bright’

    In January, I predicted video would be the #1 story of the web in 2006. At his RTNDA keynote in Las Vegas today, Brightcove CEO Jeremy Allaire supported my thesis. Lost Remote has an excellent wrap-up of his speech, where he demonstrated the new and exciting Brightcove platform which is about to go live (give…

  • Yahoo! Movies does recommend for you, sort of

    Today, Dave Winer wrote that he wishes Yahoo! would implement a feature wherein it recommended him movies he might like based on the input he’s provided on the site. I may be confused, but as an avid Yahoo! Movies user, I was pretty sure the site already did that, so I checked it out. Sure…

  • Rabbit

    Rabbit, originally uploaded by jgclarke. I came home today and found this little friend hanging out in my basement. He came to stay overnight but he has to go home again tomorrow.

  • Lame observation

    It’s amazing how much people will pay for such an abstract thing as a logo.

  • Advertising on

    As you may have noticed, I’m now expirementing with advertising on Individual post pages now include text ads served by Google’s AdSense program. Because I cover a variety of subjects here, and I get middling traffic, I don’t expect much from these ads, but I’m interested in testing their effectiveness. I’m open to feedback,…

  • Domain names for sale

    I am offering the following domain names for sale, with a brief suggestion for what to do with each name: I believe this is the strongest name with the most potential. This name will work great for a business (publishing, content, search) or application (tracking, rss, aggregation, etc.). I originally intended to build a…

  • Notes from the week

    Eeek! I’ve been away for over a week (rhyme not intended). Here are some of the things I’ve been up to since I’ve been gone: * On Sunday, three years to the day of the launch of, I re-launched by TV/Video/DVD blog, Network Landscape. Check it out, and if you’re interested in covering online…