My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
‘My Life, My Card’ campaign launches mesmerizing short film
Checking out Jason Calacanis’ site, I noticed a link to an amazing commercial that aired during this past Sunday’s Oscar telecast. I meant to post about the ad myself but it was lost in the shuffle, before I found it again. When I first caught this spot during the Oscars, I was simply mesmerized- for…
Akismet will cure your comment spam blues
Yes, the time has come for me to publicly express my love for Akismet. It’s a relatively new plugin for WordPress that grabs comment spam and dumps it in a moderation queue. Since I installed it, Akisment has blocked 100% of the droves of unprintable comment spam that streams into my site on a daily…
Maine wastes taxpayer money on inept web campaigns
Let’s see if that title earns some much-warranted attention to this story. See, something stinks here in my home state of Maine, and at least this time around it’s not the State’s abysmal DirigoChoice health are program. Instead, I’m talking about some highly irregular, irresponsible, and completely unprofessional behavior on display by our state’s Office…
Full-text RSS is mandatory around here
Now that my RSS reader has grown to include 139 feeds (I put an informal cap at 100 a few months ago), it’s time to do some pruning. As much as it pains me, I’m starting by usubscribing from all my feeds that are not full-text. The biggest loss for me in that department is…
Andy Baio sticks up for freedom of expression online
If you care about freedom of speech and the future of the Internet as a distribution platform for original content, you should care about Andy Baio’s willingness to stand up to the powers that be. Baio, a popular blogger at, has been hosting the files of a popular homegrown series, House of Cosbys, since…
Big news for TiVo?
The web is buzzing about a big announcement by TiVo set for tomorrow (Thursday) at 11am EST. Many are predicting TiVo will announce a free set-top box in exchange for subscription deal, but I’m going in the other direction and predicting they’ll announce a major content partnership. INSTANT UPDATE: Looks like I was…mostly right. Lost…
Woomu: Another video sharing site, with some twists
Woomu is a new video sharing site with a couple of interesting twists. The biggest difference between woomu and other video sharing sites such as YouTube is that woomu is simply an aggregator, rather than a video hosting service. While this approach provides relative freedom from pesky copyright troubles like the ones YouTube has faced…
Refresh nearly complete…
If you visit via the old-fashioned web browser rather than through RSS, you have probably noticed a slight change in the design of the site. In fact, I think it’s a pretty signifigant upgrade, even if the site’s general structure is the same. Besides a complete re-write under the hood, the site is hopefully…
Adholes will spam you
Adholes, an ad-industry specific social site, has been sending me marketing emails for quite a while. I have now unsubscribed via their unsubscribe process twice, both to no avail. By my definition, that means they are spamming me, and as a result their reputation is now officially crap in my view. If you’re going to…
edgeio: Classifieds, and a hope for distributed community
You may think the previous post on my blog, in which I listed a propane fireplace for sale, was a little bit strange. In fact, there’s another reason for it besides my desire to sell the fireplace (after all, I’ve already paid to post it for sale elsewhere). The ad was also my first test…