My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
I humbly predict…
That the new version of video-viewing software Fireant will become the standard desktop-based video viewing tool.
My second Newsvine column is up. This time I’m talking about the redesign of and why it may spell trouble for the all-powerful sports empire.
My first column for Newsvine is up. It covers the rumored return of Futarama to TV and asks: why not bring back favorite cancelled shows to DVD or the internet instead? Since Newsvine is still in beta, you’ll need an invite to view the site. I have a few left, so if you’d like one,…
2005 Blogs of the Year
My picks for 2005 Blogs of the Year: 5. Scripting News – Dave Winer / He’s often infuriating, especially in a disagreement. But there’s no doubt that Dave Winer is the unofficial Chief Technical and Philisophical Officer of the living web. While some people find one or two interesting things to say every couple of…
Not gone, far from it
It’s been a long, stressful, and largely unhealthy holiday season for me and my fam, such that this blog has been the least of my concerns in this end-of-year shuffle. That said, I do have every energy and intention of writing here, and other places, in 2006. I’m not gone, and I’m not going away-…
Gmail adds RSS “clips”…but mixes them with ads?!
Google recently added a new feature to their web-based email, Gmail, known as “Web Clips”. The ‘clips’ are actually RSS feeds, presented one item at a time at the top of your Gmail Inbox. It’s kind of a neat concept, but the part that strikes me as a bit questionable is the fact that interdispersed…
Blast from the past: In July 2004, FrontPage magazine’s Jamie Glazov interviewed me and David Hardy about the implications of Michael Moore’s worldview.