My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Don’t steal gasoline from this guy
From my local paper: Brian Mitchell of Mitchell’s Sheet Metal estimated that about 300 gallons of gasoline had been stolen from his company’s trucks in the last few weeks, so he decided to do something about it. On Monday, Mitchell set up an alert system in his parking lot and waited, gun by his side,…
Hotlinking: when is credit due, and how much?
My former high school speech club coach Mike Daisey was “busted” by a blogger for hotlinking to one of the images on her blog- and Mike responded with a reasoned rebuttal. At first glance you’d probably side with Martha, the blogger whose image Mike re-posted on his site. But that’s why it’s often fun to…
Writer’s block, writer’s block, writer’s block, writer’s block, writer’s block, writer’s block, writer’s block, unoriginal thoughts, writer’s block, writer’s block. Wriiiiiiterrrrrrr’s block.
Blast from the past: Joe Wilson was John Kerry’s idea of “honest”
Now that Joe Wilson is back in the news (part of it his own doing), I thought it would be both quite timely and at least somewhat hilarious to dig up this relic from exactly one year ago today: July 15th of good ole summer 2004: Click the image for a full-size view. Trust me,…
I’ve only watched 3 episodes so far, but they’ve all been really, really great: it’s Scrubs Season 1 on DVD, and I highly recommend it.
The return of the dogs
A fascinating post on the economics of dogs barking by Lee at Marginal Revolution.
Prediction a la Rove
A prediction: Karl Rove is not Judith Miller’s source. Think about it: if Rove was Miller’s source, don’t you think the NYT would be pressuring Miller to reveal Rove with some kind of damning evidence, thereby effectively ensuring his almost immediate public demise?
Lame Excuses
Where I’ve been: Getting used to a new job, fighting a nagging respatory infection, wrangling with a lemon used car purchase, buying stuff for our possible new house, agonizing over a TiVo or MediaCenter PC, and as of late, working on a draft proposal for a new book. I have no plans to abandon this…
Why RSS *will* make a good advertising medium…
…because right now, my favorite RSS feed is my feed.
Sweet Odeo!
I got my beta invite to Odeo tonight. Checked it out some, be checking it out even further tomorrow.