
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • This time of year.

  • Happy Thanksgiving

  • Let’s see more context-aware design touches

    I hope, and I predict, that we’ll start to see more of a trend in web and software development in the coming months and years that probably already has a great name, but since I don’t know it, for now I’m giving it my own name: context-aware design. Loosely, I define context-aware design as a principle…

  • Meet T-Paw

    I get that taking some share of the youth vote away from President Obama is going to be a key to victory for Republicans in 2012. But that still doesn’t fully explain Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty referring to himself as “T-Paw” on his campaign website: If a Pawlenty fan (or foe) out there can explain…

  • First soccer game of the year

  • My walk to work today, 4/1/2011

  • Walk to work, 3/24/2011

    Walk to work, 3/24/2011, originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • Ratio of tweets to alcoholic beverages

    I noticed that people (myself included) seem to tweet more frequently when they’ve had drinks, so I made this chart to describe the rise (and fall) of tweets to drinks.  

  • The “Docs”

    I made this graphic in honor of all those folders on computers full of random documents and labeled simply “Docs”. Click it to enlarge.

  • Why the Bangor Daily News “ad frame” is bad for you, and what to do about it

    Links should be free- and users are worth more than a few cents each. Why “ad frames” are bad business for news. My local newspaper, the Bangor Daily News, has made some admirable improvements to its otherwise lackluster website over the past few months. To their credit, they’ve slowly integrated topic and people-based cross-links throughout their…