
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Homemade ice cream

    Homemade ice cream, originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • The perfect pancake?

    Golden pancake, originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • Recently on

    En-route to an 'Inception' @moviedate with @HeidiDove…high hopes to be creeped out and entertained! # Tended the garden. Tomato plants are huge, all others pretty much on schedule. # Go MCS!! RT @HeidiDove: Had a great time at the @kahbattle! My bro's band Most of Us Can Stand did a badass cover of Bad Romance.…

  • Recently on

    Sad but true. RT: @DrewFromTV: Just checked my acct. I lost abt $350 on LeBron. I thought he'd stay. Never bet with your heart. # Early reviews on Rotten Tomatoes suggest that 'Inception' will be the movie of the year. Finally, seven months in, 2010! # Amazing cool breeze / Sending this haiku to…

  • Reading material for a lazy Sunday.

    Reading material for a lazy Sunday., originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • links for 2010-07-11 Four Complete Lord Peter Wimsey Novels: Whose Body? / Clouds of… (tags: books wishlist) Atmosphir – Beta (tags: personal media tocheck) Watch: Boobs Galore in New Red Band Trailer for Middle Men « (tags: towatch media movies) Watch: Trailer for Philip Seymour Hoffman's Jack Goes Boating « (tags: towatch media)

  • links for 2010-07-10 The God of the Hive: A novel of suspense featuring Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes (9780553805543): Laurie… (tags: media shared wishlist)

  • links for 2010-07-09

    Font Squirrel | Handpicked free fonts for graphic designers with commercial-use licenses. (tags: shared rainstormconsulting web)

  • links for 2010-07-07

    TVM – Learn Web Design with our Video Tutorial and Training Resource // Think Vitamin Membership (tags: web shared) What should I send investors? Part 2: Deck – Venture Hacks (tags: business)

  • links for 2010-07-06

    Perian – The swiss-army knife of QuickTime® components (tags: tech)