My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Louis C.K. is back!
Louis C.K. is back on TV…4 years after his last show on HBO was canceled, he’s back on FX with a show called simply ‘Louie’. Looks like the hilarious Chelsea Peretti is co-starting?! Here’s a teaser clip currently up on Hulu:
links for 2010-06-14 Nikon Coolpix L110 12.1 MP Digital Camera with 15x Optical Vibration Reduction (VR) Zoom and 3.0-Inch LCD (Black): Camera & Photo Looks like a great camera at a super-reasonable price. (tags: wishlist shared tech)
Recently on
The Canadian version of 'X-Files' is about two FBI agents named Scullers and Muldoon. # If you're not familiar with 'Troll 2'…here's more: # Netflix tells us that "TROLL 2" will arrive in the mail tomorrow! Troll + Troll 2 watching will commence soon. #movienerds # #ff @JustinNXT for always keeping it fun and…
links for 2010-06-10
Questo of The Roots – Straight Outta Compton. feat Ice Cube, Ren Geez, & Sleazy E – TwitVid (tags: towatch media)
At Conan’s live show
At Conan’s live show, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Catching back up on my photo of the day habit!
links for 2010-06-09
How Apple Tricks You A sampling of Apple's deceptive advertising practices. Be careful if you're buying an iPhone for speed! (tags: shared tech) Apple's "evil/genius" plan to punk the Web and gild the iPad Is Apple a hypocrite when it comes to ads on the web vs. ads on its devices? (tags: shared tech)
Recently on
This casino has: 7 million older tourists and one really tall Irish guy with crazy hair. #teamcoco # Just two nerds typing away on iPhones in the lobby of a casino waiting for Conan O'Brien to play guitar. #modernlife # Just got into MoSun…less than 4 hrs 'til @ConanOBrien gets his guitar on! Here's my…
links for 2010-06-02
Home – QRANK (tags: personal tech)
links for 2010-06-01
Seared Marinated Flank Steaks Recipe at (tags: personal recipes) Grilled Chicken and Ratatouille Recipe at (tags: personal recipes)
Freedom, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Thank you to all of the men and women of our armed forces for their incredible sacrifices, past and present, that have given us all of the liberties and opportunities we can hold.