My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
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Watching the pilot of The X-Files #homealone #
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Saw 'Iron Man 2' with @heididove and @thetwodads, was talking with my Dad on the way home about how many movies we've seen on opening nite. #
From the after-credits scene in ‘Iron Man 2’
From the after-credits scene in ‘Iron Man 2’, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Clark Gregg somewhere in the New Mexico desert.
Red sky at night
Red sky at night, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Some interesting cloud formations and colors at dusk in Bangor. Advance tickets to ‘Iron Man 2’ are now in hand.
links for 2010-05-06
Futarchy: Vote Values, But Bet Beliefs Robin Hanson describes a new political system designed to break the political cycle and instead focus on increasing overall welfare. (tags: shared economics politics thoughts)
Prepping for my Brainstorm session
Prepping for my Brainstorm session, originally uploaded by jgclarke. ‘Brainstorms’ are our bi-weekly presentations at work; I’m up next.
links for 2010-05-05
America's outdated union system – Mikey Kaus on unions. (tags: shared politics) `Top Chef' judge Colicchio named top chef for 2010 – Yahoo! News Congrats to Tom Colicchio for winning the James Beard Award! Well-deserved. (tags: shared food)
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Accidentally just sent one of my tweets out thru @HeidiDove 's account. Damn, marriage in the digital age is one crazy ride. # The Tombstone brand Kraft Mac & Cheese pizza: #MacNCheeseOnMyTombstone # The #mac amp;cheesepizza tweet that started it all. RT @HeidiDove: Can we scrap our dinner plans and just make this?…
Crazy Heart biscuits
Crazy Heart biscuits, originally uploaded by jgclarke. Inspired by Jeff Bridges character in ‘Crazy Heart’.
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About to re-watch 'Amelie' for the first time in a long time. One of my favorites of all time; a Top 5 in romances. # Happy Anniversary to @heididove! (Unrelated to my earlier tweet) # The strongest opponent is a truly friendly one. # New blog post: Recently on #