
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Morning bike ride

    Morning bike ride, originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • Five Guys’ burger

    Five Guys’ burger, originally uploaded by jgclarke. A burger from the Five Guys burger location in Savannnah, GA

  • Milk needs to advertise, but bananas don’t?

    Via Tyler Cowen, Matt Yglesias asks: Why is it that nobody’s marketing broccoli and bananas? This stuff is sold in stores, in exchange for money. Presumably there are for-profit enterprises out there with a vested interest in selling more. Tyler mentions the “Got Milk” campaign as part of his argument that broccoli and bananas lack…

  • My favorite movies of 2009

    I’m a bit late to the game, but just having refreshed my blog layout, I’m posting this now rather than never. I’ve also been updating my movie records, so here’s my recap of 2009. The formula: I watched just 8 movies in theaters in 2009, down from 18 the year before (a 55% dip). In…

  • Pumpkins

    Pumpkins, originally uploaded by jgclarke.

  • Review: Thermos Nissan

    Several months ago, I was contacted by online kitchen tool retailer The Gourmet Kitchen. They offered me to choose any model Thermos from their online store,, to test and then review here on my site. After some deliberation- there are a lot of different Thermos models, I will say that- I chose the Thermos…

  • 2008 movies of the year

    During the course of the year, I watched 18 movies released in 2008. Here’s my list, ranked least to most favorite. Here’s my 2006 recap; I did not make a list in 2007. I came up with this list in a hindsight view looking back on the year. To see how this list compares to…

  • Congratulations to President-elect Barack Obama.

  • On this election day, Glenn Reynolds dispenses the best political advice I’ve heard in years.

  • Wrong email #1

    For some reason, my Gmail address ( receives a surprising amount of mis-directed emails from people who apparently meant to send to jclarke, or jgclark, or some other variation on my particular address. This isn’t totally surprising, as first names which start with “J”, and Jason in particular, are pretty popular. In any case, these…