My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Maine Impact Halloween episode
We’re pleased to bring you a special Halloween edition of Maine Impact today, in which we talk about spooky Maine with Strange Maine blogger Michelle Souliere and Maine’s clean elections law with John Bartholomew.
Pumpkin carving tips
If you’re doing some pumpkin carving this weekend, here are my tips for a fun and successful experience: 1.) Choose a big pumpkin. Bigger ones are nicer looking, give you more room to carve your pattern, and generally are more sturdy. You’ll also want to look for a nice carving area- so only choose as…
My picks for NFL week 8
Here we are again- it’s time for this week’s NFL Pool wrap-up and preview. Last week: 5-8 Summary: Wow…for the second week in a row, I had my worst finish. Except this time I also had my first sub-.500 finish…things are just getting worse, with no signs of slowing! Season to date: 51-33 – Good…
The first Maine Imapct exclusive- an interview with Pat LaMarche
Today on Maine Impact, we feature a major guest: Maine gubenatorial candidate Pat LaMarche. Lance spoke with her about a variety of issues during a more than half-hour conversation. Head over to Maine Impact and take a listen!
Maine Impact gets spooky
Yes, I’m shilling for my new project, Maine Impact, on this here site quite a bit. Yes, I’m going to continue to do it until the show is the #1 greatest podcast in the history of time! Oh…speaking of Maine Impact, I just wanted to ask you to take a moment and visit the site…
Today’s Maine Impact- a chat on the gov’s debate
In today’s episode of Maine Impact, Lance and I are talking about the Maine Gubenatorial debate that aired last Tuesday on WMTW (Channel 8 in Portland). Go over and take a listen!
My picks for NFL week 7
It’s another Friday, and that means it’s time for this week’s NFL Pool wrap-up and preview. Last week: 8-5 Summary: Not only did I not win again last week, I actually had my worst week yet- finishing at just 8-5 in the bye-shortened week. Season to date: 46-25 – Good for 65% This week I…
Today on Maine Impact, a Maine House candidate
Today on my podcast, Maine Impact, Lance and I interview another Lance: Lance Cowan, a candidate for Maine State House from my District, #19, which covers Orono. Head over to Maine Impact and check it out! You can listen through your browser or subscribe to the show in iTunes or via RSS.
Deer in October
Today on the way home from a family event, we were driving around while our son took a nap. On Route 2 in Old Town, Heidi noticed two big, beautiful deer in the front yard of somebody’s house eating from a tree. We turned around, and to our surprise, instead of running away, the deer…
Announcing Maine Impact
After much hard work, I’m pleased to announce my latest project! It’s called Maine Impact, and it’s a podcast covering news, politics, and technology with a focus on Maine and an eye towards the world at large. My good friend Lance Dutson of the notorious and heralded Maine Web Report has graciously agreed to lend…