
My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.


  • Some movies we’ve enjoyed lately

    We gave up on the summer of junky movies and turned to Blockbuster’s cheapest DVD rental plan instead. For just $8/month, we get two movies delivered and 2 more in-store rentals for free. Thankfully, we’ve uncovered some real gems using the service lately. Here’s a rundown: Brick – 3 1/2 out of 5 – Joseph…

  • Testing Windows Live Writer


    This is a test of Windows Live Writer, a new desktop blogging interface just released by Microsoft. Get your own right here. Here’s what the “Insert Map” function is like: Interesting…it offered to let me specify margins, but it doesn’t appear to be respecting that. The biggest thing I want out of a desktop blogging…

  • This weekend

    * We watched Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. My vote: *** out of 4 stars. Funny, hilarious in places, and slick overall. I am deepy disturbed that they cut my favorite line from the trailer – “I can’t lower my heart rate; I’ve got a cougar on me!” – from the feature film.…

  • is back!

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    After a nearly seven-month hiatus, my political weblog has emerged from retirement anew. This time around (major version 3 by my account), I’m taking a backseat and operating primarily as publisher while two new bloggers, Chris Hata and Mike Faulkingham, take over daily posting duties. Please head over to the new and check…

  • My entry into ‘The Office’ promo contest

    NBC and YouTube are holding an open compeition for people to submit :20 promos for “The Office“, recently nominated for 3 Emmys including Best Comedy. Up to 10 winners will have their promos aired on NBC this fall. I’m a huge Office fan, so with the help of my brother-in-law and my wife, I submitted…

  • My first check

    When I went to visit my Mom a couple weeks ago, I noticed an artifact on her fridge from my early days as a web developer: A copy of the first check I ever received from doing web development work: Click the photo to view it at full-size. FYI, here’s a snapshot of the resulting…

  • I can’t lower my heart rate! I’ve got a cougar on me!

    The best movie I’ve seen so far this summer is Taladega Nights: The Ballad of Rick Bobby. Wait, you say! That movie won’t even be in theaters until August 4th! How did a lowly commoner like me see it? Well, to be completely honest, I haven’t seen the whole movie…just some funny bits via the…

  • Notable absence acknowledged

    I’ve been away on vacation. I’m back home now- back to blogging soon! Hope you all had a fun, safe, and restful Fourth.

  • Hi

    Yikes! I’ve got 7 posts in my drafts folder in various stages of completeness. In lieu of finishing one or any of those up, I’m offering this video. I apologize in advance for the poor lighting in this video. I hope to improve the lighting for any future endeavors. Enjoy your Tuesday!

  • Think about this one for a minute: “Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.” –Samuel Johnson