My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
coComment: Free invites available
In case you missed it, the good folks at coComment stopped by my comments section the other day in response to my review of the service. They were kind enough to post three invite codes to beta test their new service. I’m re-publishing them here for all to see. If you use one of these…
coComment wants to help you save and track your comments
coComment is a new service that’s been generating some healthy buzz in blogosphere over the past week. It started with Robert Scoble’s post last Saturday night and continued throughout the week as various bloggers weighed in. If you haven’t heard, coComment sounds like quite a nifty new service…and it is. It’s a site that will…
More first-hand reporting on Iraq from Michael J. Totten
Michael J. Totten, the enterprising solo reporter/blogger who published a fascintating first-hand report on Iraq yesterday, is back today with an even more amazing post (with photos!) on the future of Iraq’s Kurdistan region. This is groundbreaking, amazing original reporting that also happens to be extremely readable and engrossing. If you have ten minutes, please…
Michael J. Totten, a freelance reporter, spent some time in the northern Iraq city of Erib and files an engrossing first-person report on his time there. Michael’s braveity in venturing into Iraq virtually on his own is to be greatly admired. Perhaps even more so is his willingness to report back with candor, narrative, wit,…
Soon to be a five-column world
I thought I was a bit off when I launched a redesign of my TV blog, Network Landscape, with not 3 but 4! columns. Today though, I stumbled across the Hartford Courant’s website,, which features 5 columns above the fold! I’m still not sure how I feel about that, at least not until everyone…
Writer links to his own Newsvine column
My third Newsvine column has arrived. With the Superbowl coming up this Sunday, I decided to unleash my crazy idea to re-invent the NFL schedule. Newsvine, a collaborative, community-driven news site, has not launched to the general public yet, so if you’d like to read my article you’ll need to be a member. I have…
Just found a great set of quotes by a person I’d never heard of, Franklin P. Jones. One of my favorites: “Originality is the art of concealing your source.” -Franklin P. Jones
The night before my book came out, Glenn Reynolds linked to it and drove its Amazon rank from around 12,000 down the mid-hundreds. Two days later, his links again propelled the book, this time all the way to #4. Of course, I can’t return the favor, but the least I can do is link to…
What I’ve been reading…
A few books I’ve read in the past couple weeks: Son of Fletch, Gregory McDonald – Fletch returns, this time to help his newly discovered son. Pretty good stuff. B- Fletch Reflected, Gregory McDonald – Fletch is back again, or actually, Fletch’s son Jack Faoni is, but it’s hard to tell the difference in this…