My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
Music recommendation
Check out Billy Bragg’s album, Don’t Try This At Home. It’s amazing.
Random thoughts on HBO
The second season of HBO’s Entourage has been can’t-miss. The show has really evolved and come into its own as one of the best programs on TV right now. It’s following a trend of shows that appear to be one thing on the surface- in this case, a dumb buddy show- but are actually something…
What I’m listening to lately
I’ve been enjoying John Hiatt’s new album, Master of Disaster, lately. In particular, the title track, “Master of Disaster,” is classic Hiatt- great lyrics and and an unmistakable sound. Hiatt’s personal site is here (though its painfully Flash-ishized). If you want to check it out, Amazon is offering a free download of the song “When…
Speaking well (and not so well) of TV Guide
Excellent article in Slate today by Bryan Curtis (why does that name sound so familar?) about the rise and fall of TV Guide, one of my favorite magazines from my geeky entertainment-obsessed pre-driving period (age 11-16ish?). Side note: I’ll have to check the Archive on this later, but I have a feeling that Slate’s basic…
New project added!
I recently built a free website for my friend and neighbor Andrew Clifford, an excellent musician, producer, and drum instructor. Visit Andrew’s site (he’s got some tracks for sale!), or read more about the project here. You can get news of my latest projects delivered to your RSS reader of choice via this feed.
Help yourself figure out who owns the fish!
The other day I noticed this article on Coudal Partners. The article concerns a classic brain teaser that may or may not have been created by Albert Einstein. Here’s the gist: There are five houses in a row in different colors. In each house lives a person with a different nationality. The five owners drink…
I accidentally deleted every comment ever made to this blog. No, seriously, I am a bad person and an idiot. So please, let this serve as official notice that I am not a censorship-loving opressor- I’m just a dolt. The worst part? Now when I brag at parties that Mark Glaser commented here, I have…
Support the MDA when you “post bail”
My friend Marion is participating in the MDA (Muscular Distrophy Association) “Lock-Up” fundraiser, where a volunteer is taken to a local jail and then “bailed out” via donations from friends and family members. If you’d like to “bail out” Marion and support a worthy cause at the same time, you can donate online right here.
Don’t steal gasoline from this guy
From my local paper: Brian Mitchell of Mitchell’s Sheet Metal estimated that about 300 gallons of gasoline had been stolen from his company’s trucks in the last few weeks, so he decided to do something about it. On Monday, Mitchell set up an alert system in his parking lot and waited, gun by his side,…