My Notebook features over 500 posts across over twenty years, covering everything from movies to ethics to personal stories to random links. Browse recent Notebook entries below, or use the category buttons or search to go deeper. The “Clip File” category contains my favorite writing.
New blog watch
Two new blogs to keep an eye on, both of them written by my office mates: Alex Jerome
Congrats to the Award-Winning PressThink
Hearfelt congratulations to Jay Rosen for winning the Reporters Without Borders Freedom Blog Award for sites “defending freedom of expression” for his blog, PressThink. A much deserved honor for one of the best blogs (and most thoughtful people) out there.
Status update
I’m busy working at my new job.
Oddjack: insert gambling pun headline here
So, it appears that Nick Denton has reached into my brain, plucked out another idea, and slapped a semi-realized site design around it: The other day, his Gawker Media empire launched Oddjack, a gambling blog. One notable element of the too-grey-heavy-site is the two choices of RSS feed: If you scroll allllll the way to…
Rambling thoughts on my stats
In looking at my stats, it appears that I’m getting a huge amount of my traffic from search engines. So…does this mean that my site is either: * Excellently positioned to gain reasonable-to-high rankings on a wide variety of keywords, or… * Valuless, in that visitors from search engines are only interested in one thing…
Gmail Notifier
Gmail Notifier hasn’t been working for me of late…for the past couple of days, it can’t seem to ever connect or stay connected. So is it down, or is it just me? I wonder…
New website watch
An awesome new website for KUTV Channel 2 in SLC.
Mark Glaser on search engine spam
OJR has just posted a fascinating article by Mark Glaser examining how some companies, under pressure from the increasing importance of search engine rankings, are resorting to unethical search engine manipulation tactics to improve their “organic” search results.
Quote o’ the day
“For every six crappy poems you read, you’ll actually find one or two good ones. And that, believe me, is a very acceptable ratio of trash to treasure.” -Stephen King