
STLD Friday

Collage of scenes from the film Save the Last Dance

It’s Save The Last Dance Friday up here.

The “Docs”

I made this graphic in honor of all those folders on computers full of random documents and labeled simply “Docs”. Click it to enlarge.

Quick hits during summer vacation 2007

While I’ve been on vacation from the blogosphere, here are some quick hits: * re-designed over this past weekend. There are many fine touches, but I continue to be blown away by how low of a priority video is to big news sites. While the new places video above the fold, they’re only

Random thoughts on baseball and RSS

* A quote that appeared on my Google homepage quotes widget: “No matter what side of the argument you are on, you always find people on your side that you wish were on the other.” –Jascha Heifetz * Former Red Sox closer Keith Foulke is retiring from baseball at age 34. Foulke said some dumb

Dutson on NECN tonight

TiVo alert: If you live in New England, tune in to regional news network NECN tonight from 8-8:30pm to catch Chet Curtis interview Lance Dutson about Lance’s coverage of the recent Libby trial. NECN is pretty good about putting up video of their segments; if they have some of Lance I’ll link it later on.

Ascent Amnesia

Ascent Amnesia: When somebody rising to power suddenly forgets that power is cyclical.


Yes, it’s cold out here today (although it’s up to 18F right now)…so we’ve got a great big fire crackling here in our office.

Happy Thanksgiving

Xmas lights 2006, originally uploaded by jgclarke. The second annual shot of our house on Thanksgiving eve, immediately after the Xmas lighting ceremony for 2006. Unlike last year, it’s not snowing, but we still have much to be thankful for. Here’s to your own traditions, and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, wherever you


While browsing my local university’s bulletin board, I noticed this line in an ad for the campus Amnesty International chapter: If you want to take an active stance against human rights then this group is for you!