James Bond
Movies 2018
In 2018, I watched 49 movies, two more than in 2017, and slightly less than the average of 51 movies per year that I’ve averaged over the past 10 years. Yes, I track my movie-watching (and my book-reading, calories, sleep, travel, and other things), I enjoy doing it, and I refer back to it often.…
Not one of the finer moments in Bond history
I get that they want to show he’s wearing 3D glasses, but this will go down as a fully 90’s fashion choice nonetheless.
New Bond movie poster
Movies we’ve seen recently
Some movies we’ve seen recently, with links, ratings, and brief comments. The Illusionist – 4 out of 5 stars – An excellent, thoroughly riveting (if predictable) movie about a misunderstood magician that proved to be genuinely satisfying in its conclusion without being trite or needlessly confounding. And of course, Ed Norton and Paul Giamatti were…
The ‘Code’ movie is not for ‘DaVinci’ book lovers
Despite (or perhaps, due to) my high hopes, I thought The DaVinci Code movie was a long, boring, overwraught, and entirely lame screen incarnation of the book. I love Audrey Tatou– Ameilie is on my Top 10 All-Time list- and I really like Tom Hanks, Paul Bettany, Jean Reno, and Alfred Molina; but despite that…
The new Bond makes up for the breaking desk…
On this desk that I’m sitting at, the left side of the slideout keyboard tray has been steadily detaching from the side of the desk for the past few days…every time I hear an ominous crack, the left side of the keyboard tilts down slighty to the left, leaving us typing on an ever-growing tilt.…