mobile web
The Android logo Google’s Android mobile platform will be released soon, and just in time for my mobile phone contract to expire in a few short weeks. Though my desire (and self-justifications) for an iPhone have been increasing steadily since the launch of the 3G model in July, I’ve recently become more and more excited…
Now auto-detecting Windows Mobile devices
If you visit this site from a compliant mobile device, you’ll now be automatically re-directed to the mobile version of I’m still working out some kinks in my mobile version (permalinks are not mobile-friendly yet), and of course I also need to add auto-redirection for other mobile devices. But overall I’m glad to be…
New mobile version
Last fall, I released a mobile version of this very site. At the time, I wanted something quick, so I used a third-party RSS-to-HTML service, FeedDigest, to port my blog’s feed back into a stripped-down HTML page. As I wrote back then, I knew there was a better way. Here’s what I wanted to implement…