video post
Debate video report: Congressman Ron Paul
Next up in the series of Republican Presidential debate video reports Lance Dutson and I filed is an interview with Ron Paul, who is so far capturing much attention online and at events such as Wednesday’s debate, yet has not translated that enthusiasm into poll numbers. Lance talked to Congressman Paul about that, among other…
An interview with Carl Cameron
At Wednesday night’s Republican Presidential debate, Lance Dutson and I had a chance to file some video reports from the scene, which we’ll be posting over the next few days. First up, an interview with FoxNews chief political correspondent Carl Cameron:
One amazing video
Below is one of the most amazing videos I’ve seen in quite some time. The backstory: Potential presidential candidate Fred Thompson recently criticized Michael Moore’s trip to Cuba. Today, Moore fired back with a challenge to debate Senator Thompson on healthcare issues. Just a few hours later, Thompson posted this brilliant, devestating reply to,…
Testing a video plugin
This is a test of Dreamhost’s new free video conversion and display tool:
My entry into ‘The Office’ promo contest
NBC and YouTube are holding an open compeition for people to submit :20 promos for “The Office“, recently nominated for 3 Emmys including Best Comedy. Up to 10 winners will have their promos aired on NBC this fall. I’m a huge Office fan, so with the help of my brother-in-law and my wife, I submitted…
Yikes! I’ve got 7 posts in my drafts folder in various stages of completeness. In lieu of finishing one or any of those up, I’m offering this video. I apologize in advance for the poor lighting in this video. I hope to improve the lighting for any future endeavors. Enjoy your Tuesday!