Empathy: The Secret Ingredient in WordPress Work, Development, and Success
Today at the first inaugural WordCamp Maine, I presented a talk with the title “Empathy: The Secret Ingredient in WordPress Development, Work, and Success.” Below, my slides, along with notes and additional info. I’d love to hear your feedback or ideas — please leave them in the comments or on Twitter! Talk: Notes: Slide 3:…
Why the gdgt+AOL union is a rallying cry for the WordPress community
In my latest article on WP Daily, I talk about why the recent acquisition of tech site gdgt by AOL’s tech publishing arm might be bad news for WordPress in the enterprise: I’m suggesting that old, tired, and unfair “WordPress is for traditionally-formatted blogs” trope may still be a factor when online media properties choose their technology…
New article on ideas for WordPress themes
Thank you to WP Daily for publishing my article on the scope of WordPress themes: Should we think about new and better ways to make themes fit into the larger site development process? Here’s a snippet: Traditionally, themes don’t have opinions about the admin area; don’t acknowledge the presence of frequently-used tools (such as default…
Groundwork: A WordPress starter theme
Inspired by my love for WordPress theme development and a great presentation by developer Sean Butze I attended at this year’s WordCamp Boston, I’m happy to present Groundwork, a WordPress starter theme. Beyond the usual starter theme basics, Groundwork features many nice customizations to a stock WordPress install, including: Custom log in screen logo & styles; Customized…
New mobile version
Last fall, I released a mobile version of this very site. At the time, I wanted something quick, so I used a third-party RSS-to-HTML service, FeedDigest, to port my blog’s feed back into a stripped-down HTML page. As I wrote back then, I knew there was a better way. Here’s what I wanted to implement…