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Brightcove: Please update your site!

New web-based video service enabler Brightcove, founded by one of my favorite web pioneers, Jeremy Allaire, is making a drastic mistake as it launches: for me atleast, its site’s main navigation is completely broken in my version of Firefox. Not to mention, the entire site is one big flash file. Yikes, but as much as […]

Random thoughts on HBO

The second season of HBO’s Entourage has been can’t-miss. The show has really evolved and come into its own as one of the best programs on TV right now. It’s following a trend of shows that appear to be one thing on the surface- in this case, a dumb buddy show- but are actually something

Speaking well (and not so well) of TV Guide

Excellent article in Slate today by Bryan Curtis (why does that name sound so familar?) about the rise and fall of TV Guide, one of my favorite magazines from my geeky entertainment-obsessed pre-driving period (age 11-16ish?). Side note: I’ll have to check the Archive on this later, but I have a feeling that Slate’s basic


I’ve only watched 3 episodes so far, but they’ve all been really, really great: it’s Scrubs Season 1 on DVD, and I highly recommend it.