Ideas & Ethics

  • Season 22

    Twenty-one years ago today, I posted for the first time on this blog. A lot has happened: My wife and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary last year; we have two nearly adult children; I’ve moved twice; changed jobs a few times; traveled quite a bit, and seen much joy and heartache. In terms of…

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  • Movement Creates Motivation

    Each year since 2021, I’ve chosen a mantra to help focus my mind for the year. In 2022, it was “I have no enemies”, inspired by a dharma talk by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. This mantra was largely inspired by the atmosphere of vitriol and tribalism in communities, the media, and the world. It…

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  • The new news cycle

    If you saw an interesting story on network or cable news yesterday… …It was on Facebook yesterday; …It was on Twitter a few days ago; …But it was on Reddit at least a week ago.

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  • Trying out a public revision process

    With the launch of this latest version of my site (roughly my fifth iteration since 2006), I’m experimenting with two new features I’d love to see on other blogs: a changelog and a roadmap. Yes, it might seem strange to have these two software and/or enterprise-oriented features on a tiny personal site, but why not?…

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  • Local banks should hire a “startup advocate”

    A recent crowdsource-driven funding contest promoted by a local bank in my area got me thinking about how banks in particular can find themselves on the sidelines of the entrepreneurship/startup movement as the costs to starting a business drop and as new and creative fundraising options become available. One way that banks can become more active participants…

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  • Wilson’s Miner’s “When We Build”

    If you make anything – websites, cars, fasteners, jewlery, anything – I think you’ll really love watching designer Wilson Miner’s talk on the art and process of building. It’s been a great source of inspiration for me. Wilson Miner – When We Build from Build on Vimeo.

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  • Mike Daisey and this American denial

    Two things are really bothering me about today’s news that monolougist Mike Daisey fabricated portions of his hit performance piece “The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs.” Let me get something out of the way out front: I’ve known Mike since about 1996. He was an advisor/supporter of my high school’s speech & debate…

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  • Bangor Daily News blurs the line between news and advertising

    The Bangor Daily News is back at it with more ethically-questionable practices on its website, this time in the form of its new “BDN Marketplace News” section which attempts to disguise advertisements as news headlines. What’s Going On? At the bottom of article pages, the “BDN Marketplace News” appears directly under a larger “Similar Articles”…

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  • Let’s see more context-aware design touches

    I hope, and I predict, that we’ll start to see more of a trend in web and software development in the coming months and years that probably already has a great name, but since I don’t know it, for now I’m giving it my own name: context-aware design. Loosely, I define context-aware design as a principle…

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  • Ratio of tweets to alcoholic beverages

    I noticed that people (myself included) seem to tweet more frequently when they’ve had drinks, so I made this chart to describe the rise (and fall) of tweets to drinks.  

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