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Anybody out there using Orb?

Help! I’m wondering if any Orb users out there can give me a hand with tech support issue. I’ve got Orb installed on my Windows XP pro machine, but each time it attemps to log on it gives me a maddening error- saying “Orb cannot retrieve your login information.” I’ve already tried restarting Orb, uninstalling

New project added!

I recently built a free website for my friend and neighbor Andrew Clifford, an excellent musician, producer, and drum instructor. Visit Andrew’s site (he’s got some tracks for sale!), or read more about the project here. You can get news of my latest projects delivered to your RSS reader of choice via this feed.


I accidentally deleted every comment ever made to this blog. No, seriously, I am a bad person and an idiot. So please, let this serve as official notice that I am not a censorship-loving opressor- I’m just a dolt. The worst part? Now when I brag at parties that Mark Glaser commented here, I have

Lame Excuses

Where I’ve been: Getting used to a new job, fighting a nagging respatory infection, wrangling with a lemon used car purchase, buying stuff for our possible new house, agonizing over a TiVo or MediaCenter PC, and as of late, working on a draft proposal for a new book. I have no plans to abandon this

Rambling thoughts on my stats

In looking at my stats, it appears that I’m getting a huge amount of my traffic from search engines. So…does this mean that my site is either: * Excellently positioned to gain reasonable-to-high rankings on a wide variety of keywords, or… * Valuless, in that visitors from search engines are only interested in one thing

Win a Flickr Pro account! (CONTEST IS OVER)

It’s a contest!* UPDATE: The contest is over. Congrats to the winner. Please don’t email me regarding this contest! Thanks! I have 1 gift Flickr Pro account to give away. I will give it to the first person who can correctly identify the location of the photo used in the header of this website. Some


My apartment is infested with koala bears. It’s the cutest infestation ever. Way better than cockroaches. When I turn on the light a bunch of koala bears scatter. But I don’t want ’em to, you know, I’m like “Hey, hold on, fellas. Let me hold one of you…and feed you a leaf.” –Mitch Hedberg, 1968-2005.