Love is finding a note in your shirt pocket.
Rest Stop life
Strawberry life
Night in the country
Inconveniently curled
Delicious taco
The ending of The Great Gatsby (audio recording)
I never read The Great Gatsby in school, so with the movie coming out, I decided now would be a good time to catch up. I’m glad I did, because I absolutely loved the book – it’s an instant classic for me thanks to the poetry of Fitzgerald’s prose. Before I returned the book to…
10 years of blogging at
Today marks 10 years since the first blog post on this site. I’ve owned the domain name for about 2 years prior to that – lists October 2001 as the first recorded date– but used it mostly as a testing ground until 2003. When I started this site, it was built on my own…
Trying out a public revision process
With the launch of this latest version of my site (roughly my fifth iteration since 2006), I’m experimenting with two new features I’d love to see on other blogs: a changelog and a roadmap. Yes, it might seem strange to have these two software and/or enterprise-oriented features on a tiny personal site, but why not?…